A change in our marriage


NTR*2 と TS*3 です。つよい。

そういえば kindle を買ったのだけど、あまり word-wise の使い勝手が良くなかった*4*5

*1:なぜかちゃんと表示されない。エロ本はダメみたいな感じだった気がしないでもない。ASIN:B004SUR8FI です。





Thirteen Hours

Thirteen Hours (English Edition)

Thirteen Hours (English Edition)

総語数 89280
w/m 270

Can you fall in love in thirteCan you fall in love in thirteen hours?

It's her birthday but lonely workaholic Dana Watts is at the office late, drafting a proposal. The very last interruption she expects comes in the form of the most beautiful breasts she has ever seen. These belong to an incredibly hot woman, who is standing in front of her, stripping to music. Laurel Stanley performs strip-o-grams to pay her way through school. She has never encountered a more ungrateful recipient than Dana. The uptight project manager makes it clear that she is furious to be distracted from her work by the "gift" a colleague sent and equally appalled by Laurel's occupation. After Dana is rude and insulting, and insists on escorting Laurel from the building, the two women take an elevator ride that changes everything. en hours?

It's her birthday but lonely workaholic Dana Watts is at the office late, drafting a proposal. The very last interruption she expects comes in the form of the most beautiful breasts she has ever seen. These belong to an incredibly hot woman, who is standing in front of her, stripping to music. Laurel Stanley performs strip-o-grams to pay her way through school. She has never encountered a more ungrateful recipient than Dana. The uptight project manager makes it clear that she is furious to be distracted from her work by the "gift" a colleague sent and equally appalled by Laurel's occupation. After Dana is rude and insulting, and insists on escorting Laurel from the building, the two women take an elevator ride that changes everything.


ところでこの本は、 AmazonJPだと18禁になっているせいか Hatena Blog の Insert Amazon product がうまく機能しなくて、手で ASIN を入力する事になった。

Bind and keep me

総語数 86800
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Daddy morebucks

Daddy Morebucks (The Daddy's Girls Series)

Daddy Morebucks (The Daddy's Girls Series)

総語数 58280
w/m 241

これはこれで面白かったのだけど、それよりも baby girl みたいなジャンルに可能性を見出せたのが大きい。